About us
Stoke Ash Baptist Church was established on June 24th 1805 when approx. 30 of members from Diss, Horham and Stowmarket Baptist churches were set apart to form a new church in the village. Over the last 211 years the work has been maintained by many faithful christians and today people of all ages are involved.
The purpose of the church
This church is a company of born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who have covenanted together as a fellowship. The purpose of the church is to:
provide for the united worship of God through prayer and praise
nurture Christians through preaching, teaching and care
be witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ locally, nationally and worldwide
set a good example to the those around us through holy living
What we believe
We affirm our belief:
in one, triune (3 part) God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit
in God as the only creator and sustainer of life
in the full inspiration by God of the whole Bible
that man was originally created righteous in the image of God but is now fallen and sinful and therefore excluded from Heaven
that God in His mercy has chosen by His grace to save people and restore their relationship with Him and their right to Heaven
that Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and man
in justification (being made 'right') through faith
that people must be converted (turned around) by the power of the Holy Spirit in order to believe in Christ and be saved
in the indwelling of every believer by the Holy Spirit from that moment of conversion.
that Jesus Christ is the head of the universal church which comprises all true believers in every age
that every christian should display God's grace in their life through observing baptism (by immersion in water, once only) and sharing in the Lord's supper (regularly) and through holy living
that each local church has been commissioned to preach the gospel of Jesus
in the 'bodily' return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this world at some future point in history
that singing is a God-ordained means of praising His great and holy name